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The Caravelle Resort







AP Professional Security


South Carolina Emergency Management Division



Phase II Remaining Schedule  

July 12, 2024

Dear Caravelle Resort Owners, 

Spectrum and subcontractor SE Cable will be entering into each yellow or purple unit (in the attached spreadsheet) to add wiring for a new access point mounted to the metal grid of your drop ceiling just inside the unit’s entrance door.  If your unit does not have a drop ceiling by the entrance door then the access point will be mounted to the wall above your unit’s entrance door or as close as possible.   The work will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.  Below is the schedule for each remaining floor. We cannot give an exact time they will be entering your unit so please inform your guests of this work.  We have advised the contractor to knock on the door before entering. The guests/owners/tenants MUST allow Spectrum and SE Cable to enter the unit to perform this task.  RAM staff will be onsite to assist with unit codes and keys as well as to make sure the units are secured. Please make sure we have the most up to date code or key for your unit.

10th Floor July 15th

11th Floor July 16th

12th Floor July 17th

14th Floor July 18th

15th Floor July 19th 


 Each day work will begin at 9AM on the designated floor.




June 13, 2024         


Hello Caravelle Owners,


As you may or may not know Spectrum has started wiring the building for the new WIFI.  This project will be done in 3 phases. We hope to have the project completed before the end of July.

Phase I - This phase is the installation of equipment in the closets as well as running the raceways (hallway tracks) in the 2nd through 15th floors.  The first floor wiring is located in the drop ceiling.  The contractors are also pulling wire during this phase. This phase should be completed in the next few weeks.


Phase II - This will involve owner or guest interaction.  This process starts Monday June 17th beginning with the 1st floor and moving up the building.We have attached some links below displaying the schedule which provides you the date as when they will be needing entrance to your unit for roughly 20-25 mins. That schedule and other documents can also be found on Spectrum and subcontractor SE Cable will be entering into each Yellow or Purple unit only (in the attached spreadsheet) to add wiring for a new access point mounted to the metal grid of your drop ceiling just inside the unit’s entrance door.  If your unit does not have a drop ceiling by the entrance door then the access point will be mounted to the wall above your unit’s entrance door. We cannot give an exact time they will be entering your unit.  We have advised the contractor to knock on the door, pause before entering, and announce who they are with before entering. The guests/owners/tenants MUST allow Spectrum and SE Cable to enter the unit to perform this task. Please make sure your rental company and guests are aware of this required work. If we do not get access, your unit does not get WIFI or the capability to stream TV. If your unit is green on the spreadsheet they will not need to enter your unit.  


Phase III  - This will involve owner or guest interaction.  This will also require Spectrum to enter the Yellow and Purple units to connect the wiring to the access points and to activate the access points. This should take no more than 1 minute to complete. We do not have dates per floor at this moment but will update you when we have that information. Resort Association Management staff will also be placing 1 Roku device on top of the refrigerator in each unit during this phase.

Once all 3 phases are complete you will then need to connect your Roku device to your TV.  You will be able to hop on the "Caravelle Guest" network.  Then you will need to set up a free Roku account. If your unit has 2 TVs then you can purchase a second Roku device and add it to your account. Once your account has been set up you will need to download the Spectrum App which will then allow you to stream the Spectrum TV channels. If you have any issues you may call  Spectrum Enterprise Support Client care: 1-888-812-2591


We will be keeping the regular cable system running until we have worked out any kinks that may arise. 



Phase II Schedule

Schedule Grid

Spectrum Tech Support


Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Thank you,

The Caravelle Board of Directors


May 2, 2024
We wanted to provide you with an update on a few projects currently underway at the property.
Item 1 The ground floor hot tub will be completed today.  Onsite will be adding water later this afternoon and chemicals levels and temperature should be ready by 4pm tomorrow for guests to use.
Item 2  The internet and streaming changeover will begin on May 13th.  For that week and the following week Spectrum will need to access units that currently have wireless access points in them.  The old access points will be removed and new ones will be added. Once these are up and running the property should have the same coverage as it does now.  Then Spectrum will work on wiring the remaining units and adding an access point in each unit. Once that is complete the Roku devices will be installed in each unit.  Once the streaming system is fully functional the cable will then be turned off.  There will be a help line for owners, guests, or rental companies that may have issues.  We are also working on an easy to follow printable material that we can pass along for the transition as well.
Item 3  The parking garage repairs have been going smoothly and we are 95% complete on the original scope of repairs.  Unfortunately, while repairing the 6th floor damage was found to a structural column that needed to be looked at by the engineer. The engineer has provided a shoring and repair plan but this has pushed the start of the 7th floor pool deck and pools by 30 days.  I have attached a picture of the concrete column that needs to be repaired before we begin work on the 7th floor.  It looks like the pools on the 7th floor may not be ready now until July 1st.  One a positive note the parking garage will be open on all floors within the next 2 weeks. 
Thank you for your understanding and we will have more information on Items 2 and 3 in the coming weeks. 
Resort Association Management




2024 Annual Meeting of The Membership
When: Feb 23, 2024 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


February 14, 2024

Dear Caravelle Resort Owners,

We would like to inform you that the construction work on the garage at The Caravelle has commenced and will be ongoing during busines hours for the next few weeks.

As a result, there will be noise and potential disruptions caused by the construction activities. In order to minimize inconvenience to your guests and ensure their expectations are managed appropriately, we kindly request that all owners notify their guests and rental companies regarding the noisy construction work taking place on the property.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your cooperation in informing all relevant parties about the situation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.



On February 20th 2024 United Fire Alarm Systems will be performing their annual test of the fire alarm system.
This test requires that UFAS enter each and every unit in the building to verify that the speaker system is working correctly.  As of 2024 this is now required by code to be completed each year during their inspection.  Each unit will roughly take 15 seconds.  The system will be on "TEST" during inspection.  The speakers will repeat "This is a test" throughout the inspection process.  Please make sure you, your rental company, and your guests are made aware of this inspection.  Also please make sure that no one removes these devices before the inspection. 
We appreciate your help with getting this information to your guests and rental companies.
Thank you



November 7, 2023
Dear Caravelle Homeowner, 
This email is to inform you that we have received the recent engineering study of the oceanside parking garage.  Upon reviewing their findings, for the safety of all guests and owners, the board has decided to close down and drain the 7th floor pool and spas, in accordance with the Engineer's recommendation.  Additionally, we will also be closing the 5th and 6th floors of the oceanside parking deck as a precaution.  The repair process will involve three stages. 
Stage 1  - During the time of shut down we will be doing exploratory work to find the root cause of the concrete issues and leaking water that has appeared on the ceiling of the 6th floor of the parking garage. 
Stage 2 - The Engineer will review the extent of the damage and create a repair scope that we will have bid out to vetted contractors
Stage 3 -  We will collect and review bids and award the project while the engineers provide oversight on the job. Once all repairs are complete the areas will be reopened for guests and owners. 
We thank you for your understanding during this time.
The Caravelle Resort Board of Directors


August 31, 2023

Dear Valued Homeowners, 
We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to provide you with a quick update following yesterday's storm that passed through the Myrtle Beach area. We're pleased to inform you that, as of now, no damage has been reported to our office at this time. Our initial walk-through revealed only minor debris and pool maintenance needs with general cleanup but no significant issues were identified. It seems like the storm had minimal impact on property. The team will continue to monitor the situation and perform any necessary general cleanup to ensure the resort remains in great condition. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for entrusting us with the care of your property. 
Kind regards,
Resort Association Management


July 28, 2023
Dear Valued Homeowners,
The Caravelle Resort HOA's contracted security company (AP Security) has updated their communication process.  Please review the following information. 
The new dispatch number is 866-332-0911. This number will be answered 24 hours a day. This line is used to report security issues on the property that the on-duty security officer will respond to. The dispatch number will be used for all of the properties they service so it is important for the caller to specify what property they are calling from and provide as much information as possible about the issue.
Please note that if you call the dispatch number outside of the normal guard hours then dispatch will not be able to assist you.  You will need to call the appropriate emergency service for assistance or call back during security shift hours which is 2pm-6am. 
Thank you and have a great weekend,
Resort Association Management




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The Caravelle Resort